Where is Carbon Revolution's manufacturing headquarters?

Building NR, Geelong Technology Precinct
75 Pigdons Road
Waurn Ponds VIC 3216

Waurn Ponds is located in the state of Victoria, which is in the South East of Australia.

Where is the company incorporated?

Carbon Revolution plc is incorporated in Ireland under Registered Number 607450
Ten Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2, Dublin, Ireland.

When did Carbon Revolution go public?

Carbon Revolution listed on the Nasdaq on November 3, 2023.

What is Carbon Revolution’s fiscal year?

Carbon Revolution’s financial year end is June 30.

On what stock exchange is Carbon Revolution traded and under what ticker symbol?

Carbon Revolution’s shares are traded on the Nasdaq under the ticker “CREV”.

Does Carbon Revolution pay dividends?

Carbon Revolution has not declared dividends in respect to any financial years and does not currently intend to pay dividends.

When did Carbon Revolution Ltd merge with Twin Ridge Capital Acquisition Corp?
Carbon Revolution Ltd merged with Twin Ridge Capital Acquisition Corp to form Carbon Revolution plc on November 3, 2023.
Who is Carbon Revolution's transfer agent?

Carbon Revolution uses Computershare Market Services for shareholder support. They can be contacted at:

Investor Center

Telephone inquiries
1 (866) 644-4127 (US)
1 (781) 575-2906 (non-US)

Broker inquiries
1-866-690-8162 (US)
1-781-575-4019 (non-US)

Written requests
PO Box 43078
Providence RI 02940-3078

By overnight delivery: 
150 Royall St
Suite 101
Canton MA 02021

Shareholder Online Inquiries

Whom do I contact with questions about my stock?

Contact our investor information team at investors@carbonrev.com or Computershare Market Services. They can be contacted at:

Investor Center

Telephone inquiries
1 (866) 644-4127 (US)
1 (781) 575-2906 (non-US)

Broker inquiries
1-866-690-8162 (US)
1-781-575-4019 (non-US)

Written requests
PO Box 43078
Providence RI 02940-3078

By overnight delivery: 
150 Royall St
Suite 101
Canton MA 02021

Shareholder Online Inquiries

How do I transfer stock, change the address on my shareholder account, or replace a lost Stock certificate?

Contact Computershare Market Services for support. They can be contacted at:

Investor Center

Telephone inquiries
1 (866) 644-4127 (US)
1 (781) 575-2906 (non-US)

Broker inquiries
1-866-690-8162 (US)
1-781-575-4019 (non-US)

Written requests
PO Box 43078
Providence RI 02940-3078

By overnight delivery: 
150 Royall St
Suite 101
Canton MA 02021

Shareholder Online Inquiries

Does Carbon Revolution have a direct stock purchase plan?
Please see our Corporate Governance policy documents: Carbon Revolution Public Limited Company 2023 Share Option and Incentive plan.
How many employees does Carbon Revolution have?

Carbon Revolution currently employs 650 people in Australia, the USA and Europe.

Where can I find out more about Carbon Revolution?
For the latest news and company information, visit https://www.carbonrev.com for more investor information visit https://www.investors.carbonrev.com.
Where can I get the latest corporate news releases and financial reports?

For the latest news and company information, visit https://www.investors.carbonrev.com/news-events/news-releases.

To sign up for our regular email alerts, register your information here: https://www.investors.carbonrev.com/resources/email-alerts.

How can I view documents Carbon Revolution has filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC), including Forms 10-K and 10-Q?
Who makes up the Carbon Revolution Executive Management team and Board of Directors?
How can I obtain further information or materials on Carbon Revolution?
You can contact our investor team at investors@carbonrev.com or register your details on our website at: https://www.investors.carbonrev.com/resources/contact-ir and sign up for email alerts at https://www.investors.carbonrev.com/resources/email-alerts.
When is your next earnings release scheduled? How can I receive email updates for this information?

To see when our next earnings release is scheduled, please visit: https://www.investors.carbonrev.com/financials-filings/sec-filings.

To receive email updates on our releases, register your details at: https://www.investors.carbonrev.com/resources/email-alerts.

Whom should I contact regarding investor inquiries?
You can contact our investor team via our website at https://www.investors.carbonrev.com/resources/contact-ir.
When and where will Carbon Revolution hold its next annual meeting?

To see when our next Annual Meeting is held, please visit https://www.investors.carbonrev.com/news-events/events.